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Saturday, July 21, 2018

Entertainment: TonyYorch covers Musiceasy8 Magazine latest issue, July/August edition (beatmusicy.blogspot.com)

was born and raised in ASABA, DELTA STATE.
was once a Nollywood actor. He was acting and  doing  his music at the same time. but he had to stop acting so he could focus on his dream which is MUSIC.

As he sipped local Pasa Bitters, trekking from his house to the studio and getting ready to spit, his environment inspired lines, tonyorch had no idea that his songs would be one of the greatest,
The young Up rising African  Artist (Tonyorch) has  dropped  singles which won the  heart  of the listeners most especially  from the southeast Nigeria 🇳🇬
Tonyorch  has been made the cover star of musiceasy8 magazines  July  / August Edition
Today as he steps out the studio with us
Check out the interview  below
Musiceasy8 : Were you influenced by old records & tapes? Which ones?
Tonyorch: Yeah, but no much influence.
musiceasy8: Do you get nervous before a performance or a competition?
Tonyorch: Lol,thats natural for me, i do get nervous before getting on any stage,but immedietly i get on that stage and i start doing my thing "all fear is gone"lol
musiceasy8 : How do you handle mistakes during a performance?
Tonyorch: The show must go on,so i get on with the business no time to dull.
musiceasy8: Which famous musicians have you learned from?
Tonyorch: Alot man , alot , everyone is an inspiration to me ,in one way or the other i get inspired by many famous music
musiceasy8: Can you at less mention  one of them?
Tonyorch : I'll give you more than one.
Damian marley
Wande coal
musiceasy8: When and why did you start playing? What inspired  that name Tonyorch
Tonyorch: You mean when i started music?
Tonyorch: Professionally
musiceasy8: I mean what age and why did choose  music as your career?
Tonyorch: Music has been my passion,as a child i loved music and knew i would do music one day but i started music professionally and have my first session in 2013
musiceasy8 :What inspired  that name Tonyorch?
Tonyorch : My name is anthony uche,
before the music journey started for me ,most people call me urch man so i joined anthony and urch which is uche, then i got TONYORCH, I JUST DECIDED TO CHANGE THE "U" TO "O"rch so it could look more unique

Success won't come to you unless you go for it

Success can be defined in many ways. Some people define it in monetary terms. Others define it by their sense of fulfillment. Others define it by the number of people they help.
The definitions of success vary subtly or drastically.
In a post on Boston.com, Jennifer Spencer described three commonalities of successful professionals.
They know their value, what they offer
They are goal-oriented
They know how to articulate their values and aspirations

Basically, successful people know their strengths, focus on long-term goals, and aren’t afraid to ask for advance in reaching the next level in an organization.

Truly successful people also have a sense of fulfillment and happiness, which you can’t achieve unless you know your passion and purpose. Climbing the corporate ladder and earning a higher salary at each level may bring monetary success, but people often lack fulfillment and happiness. This is why we all know people who achieved financial success but are miserable in other areas of their lives. They sacrifice the things that make them happy to get the bigger paycheck.

There’s nothing wrong with monetary success, but you should be doing something that gives you a sense of fulfillment and makes you happy. There’s no need to sacrifice fulfillment and happiness for money. Know yourself. Find your passions and purpose then plan your long-term goal to success.

The song secret love by Drizzykruiz  talks about the broken vows in a relationship.

Drizzykruiz has proven him self once again by putting up a good song featuring Tonyorch this song has fetched   drizzykruiz so many fans and also he won the heart of the listeners.  This song secret love talks  about the broken vows

Vow - means

a serious promise to do something or to behave in a certain way

: a solemn promise or

assertion specifically

 : one by which a person is bound to an act, service, or concondition

So in a case whereby the parties who made vows fails to keep to the vow the it is broken

 For instance promises two people make when they are getting married but they couldn't keep it

Eg - I took my marriage vows and couldn't  keep  it

.a nun who had taken final vows has broken  it

He had broken his vow of poverty.

If a relationship must remain secret, generally it is because there is a very powerful reason behind it. Most of the time, what lies behind this is a third party with whom there is a romantic commitment. Usually

secret love is one where there are atleast three parties involved

people who are having intimate relationships but keeping it out of the eye of the public. Your secret lover is the person you are having a love affair with but not letting your people  to know about it ( Eg,)   hiding it from your husband, friends or even the person who you are officially dating

5 things the wedding  though us about relatiREDICREDIT- made up of three unconditional properties in equal measure: acceptance, understanding, and appreciation. Remove any one of the three and the triangle falls apart.

Is the coming together  of two imperfect people  to make perfection
As wedding planners for Aisle Ai, we have watched countless couples undergo the hectic process of wedding planning to profess, celebrate and join their love.  From witnessing college sweethearts marry to planning a 60 year old’s first wedding, we can honestly say true love knows no age and has no expiration date.  Although Pinterest boards of weddings and honeymoons may paint this picture that “happily ever after” is a destination, we can assure you that is a lie.  It is a process that requires a consistent commitment to choose the same person over and over again each day.  In sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, through the good and bad, true love births a partnership that conquers all things.  Ever since we’ve started our wedding planning business Aisle Ai, life has made us students of love and given us an entirely different perspective on relationships.  Here are some of the lessons we’ve learned:

1. Love, by itself, is NOT enough.  Just because you love someone does not mean you should be in a relationship with them.  A good relationship is different from love. There is definitely love in the mix; but beyond love, a good relationship has a solid foundation of commitment, trust, respect, friendship and balance.  Find the Yin to your Yang.  If you have shortcomings in one area, a good partner should balance it out with strengths to compensate.  Be open minded to different types of people with different backgrounds and ideologies. The best couples we’ve seen are those that can bring something different to the table.  Yes, they love each other, but they’re also very compatible with and committed to each other.  Once you find a good partner, you’ll realize that...

2.  Communication is Key.  Couples that talk to each other are the ones that get things done, progress forward, and are likely stay married. These couples talk through their needs, wants, dislikes and loves, proving their desire to acceptand understand each other.  In wedding planning, we’ve seen arguments begin when the bride becomes the sole point person and her man does not contribute or have opinions.  One couple that we've worked with had difficulties discussing the funding and actual design of the wedding; they both had different expectations on these elements.  Of course, sometimes planners have to play counselor when we are working with couples.  However if they would’ve communicated with each other, they would’ve eliminated most, if not all, of the drama.  This practice is good for when they actually get hitched and pursue their lives together, which brings us to the next point...

3. The Best Couples are a TEAM.  Couples that work as a team have the greatest outcomes with their relationship, wedding, and their marriage. If only one person is making all of the major decisions, then there is going to an imbalance with the relationship. There shouldn’t only be one person wearing the pants as that is indicative of an unhealthy and insecure relationship. The person that has no say in the decisions of the wedding or relationship can develop feelings of unworthiness, which typically leads to resentment and/or counter-productivity. The wedding is not just about the bride or the groom, but the bride and the groom.  Hard decisions should be made as a unit, regardless if you’re deciding if Chiavari chairs are worth splurging for or if it makes sense to move halfway across the globe to take that job. How the couples resolve each decision as a team is what will only make them stronger as a whole.  Once a positive and healthy relationship is established we’ve realized...

4. Marriage is a FAMILY affair.  Understand that you’re not just saying “I do” to your loved one, but also his/her family.  Marriage joins two flesh into one soul, so whether you like it not, his family is now your family.  Since weddings tend to bring out the emotions of families—good and bad—we’ve definitely seen a lot of couples experience problems with their in-laws. The stereotype where in-laws are crazy and impossible to build a good relationship with can seem to be too realistic sometimes.  However, the way the drama is handled with the man/woman that you love is what determines the stability and capacity of a successful relationship. Family obstacles will always be there; however dealing with those obstacles in an open and respectable manner with your loved one is key.  With that said...

5. Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff and Don’t Let the Big Things Break You.  Marriage has its ups and downs and no marriage can be perfect, and the same goes for the wedding day. Sometimes things have to be improvised as unforeseen things happen. When you look back, those little mishaps could have been a blessing in disguise or just absolutely irrelevant. At the end of the big day, everything turns out for the best. The outlook and personality you have when wedding planning is an enhanced version of yourself and who you will be throughout your marriage. Your personality during highly stressful times really shows who you are as a person.

Through ups, downs, excitement and tears, the rollercoaster of life can be thrilling, scary and powerful.  Money will come and go, skin will get wrinkly and old, but the love, commitment and solid foundation you build with your partner will allow you to withstand any experience together.  Understand that a successful relationship requires work.  And if you want it, then you better hustle.





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